Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy First Birthday, "Annelle's Table"!!

Here's to Another Year!
Annelle's Table is celebrating its first birthday today, and what a year it's been for us both! There have been lots of changes, and if memory serves me correctly, I could be in for an interesting year number two. We never had 'terrible twos' when the kids were hitting their second year, but there were challenges every day. By the time I figured out how to deal with one, it was already tomorrow, and there was a brand new challenge!
With all the changes, one thing has remained constant: the circle of family and friends that is the cornerstone of my life. I'm very grateful and thankful for each and every one of you! So, here's to another year of sharing myself, and the things that are important to me (foodfoodfood) with you! Thank you for listening...

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